For the Love of Books is my very own weekly Sunday meme dedicated to the wacky, weird, and wild world-wide-web finds related to the world of books. Topics can be anything ranging from unique bookcases, sculptures of books, and odd bookstores, to interesting uses for books, book quotes, bits of book news, etc. I love web-surfing and I have come across so many ideas that the possibities for this meme are nearly endless! If you would like to join in the fun, snag the image on the left and post the link your specific blog post in comments so that others can read about your internet find!
This week I have discovered a really nifty design called "Take a Seat" by Darris Hamroun that is a fold-out chair hidden in a book. No, the book is not abnormally huge, and the chair looks rather comfortable, though it lacks a back.
The description on the site reads: "From the idea that objects should adapt to people, and not the other way around, is born "take a seat." This foldable stool uses the existing storage space that everyone dispose. It hides in your interior by taking the form of a regular book on a shelf. When you open this book, the pages unfold and create an extra seat to share with your guests. Made from solid oak boards and steel hinges, Take a seat provides a steady and comfortable casual stool. The upper part is inspired by a book cover made of fabric and foam."
It also comes in several colors, which is always nice. The size reminds me of a photo album, and I think the design would work for small spaces or a modernized personal library. The site also features a video of the book unfolding into a chair.
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