For the Love of Books is my very own weekly Sunday meme dedicated to the wacky, weird, and wild world-wide-web finds related to the world of books. Topics can be anything ranging from unique bookcases, sculptures of books, and odd bookstores, to interesting uses for books, book quotes, bits of book news, etc. I love web-surfing and I have come across so many ideas that the possibities for this meme are nearly endless! If you would like to join in the fun, snag the image on the left and post the link your specific blog post in comments so that others can read about your internet find!
I came across this interesting article about the publishing house Penguin re-imagining the covers of six "modern classics" in the style of body art, or tattoos. While I have not actually read any of the six books chosen for this experiment in marketing techniques, I like how they thought "outside the box" to maybe appeal to a different group of people than would otherwise pick up these titles. I hope that they continue with this idea with more titles in the future.
Here are the six books:
Here are the six books:
by Keri Hulme
by David Foster Wallace
by Ian Fleming
by J. M. Coetzee
by Martin Amis

by Helen Fielding
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