PLUS, now my blog title has morphed from JacobsBeloved to JacobsBeloved's Books. While I had orginally intended for my blog to be a sort-of journal, the bookworm in me kind of took over. I also found some people were confused about the meaning of the title, which btw, is a Biblical reference - not a Twilight reference. The title makes more sense now as a functional book blog. And don't worry, the url is the same as before. I removed some of the irrelevant features I had displayed on the sides and bottom and beautified the remaining widgets, as well as redesigned the header and blog button.
So take a look around and admire my handiwork before snagging my button from the left-hand side to show your support of my new design!
And feel free to give your opinion whether it be good or bad, I'm open to suggestions!

Nice the colors!
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