Glee: The Beginning: An Original Novel (Glee Original Novels)
By Sophia Lowell
Genre: Fiction
Published August 2010, Hachette Book Group
Paperback, 216 pages
ISBN: 9780316123594
Calling all Gleeks!I am a total "Gleek," and I have been in love with the show since the very first episode. I'll spare you the details. But of course, I had to read the Glee book that answers my burning questions about what happened before the t.v. show kicked off, such as what grades the main characters are in, and how did Puck and Quinn wind up in bed together? I have a life, just not on Tuesdays.
Get more of your favorite characters in this official Glee prequel!
All great performances deserve a warm-up! Enroll early at McKinley High--before New Directions was even a glimmer in Mr. Schuester's eye. When did Rachel first decide Finn was more than just a jock? When did Puck and Quinn start their secret romance? And how did the fledgling Glee Club function without a fearless leader? Hint: It wasn't exactly a perfect melody.
Break out the gold stars and refill the slushies: It's time to find out what happened to all your favorite characters before the show-mance began.
Anyways, the book is true to form, right down to Sue Sylvester's hilariously-vile comments, Finn's adorable naivety, Rachel's incredibly self-involved attitude, and Kurt's sense of style. I also appreciated that the book helped me to better appreciate Artie's and Tina's characters, as I got to see how they interacted with each other and the thoughts that went through their heads. Tina apparently has an artistic side that comes out in the novel. I also got to see more of the difficulty that Artie deals with daily using a wheelchair. All of the other familiar characters make appearances, as well, such as Miss Emma Pillsbury, Will Schuester, and even sweaty Jacob.
The only thing I was really missing while reading the novel was the lack of music and singing. The characters did "sing" and "dance" to particular songs, but it helps to take advantage of Youtube if you want to have the full experience.
The Cover: The cover hints at the love triangle of season 1 with the characters of Rachel Berry, Finn Hudson, and Quinn Fabray plastered with the logo from the t.v. show. All it's missing is the "L" for loser sign.
First Line: "Rachel Berry paused outside the door to Principal Figgins's office just long enough to straighten her kneesocks and smooth down the sides of the corduroy skirt."
It's a Gleek-tastic beginning, featuring the girl who fancies herself the center of the Broadway-inspired universe. What's not to love?
Favorite Quote: "She's Eurotrashtastic in that." -Kurt

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