My first pregnancy was near-perfect, but my second ended in a 32-week preemie, so I am anxious to prevent another premature birth. In addition, I never got rid of the baby weight from my previous pregnancies, so I have some extra weight I have to take into account regarding the health of my fetus and my own body. Hubby was nice enough to order me the one book I could find on preventing premature births, Every Pregnant Woman's Guide to Preventing Premature Birth by Barbara Luke. 
But, as a good bookworm, that's not all I want!
And while the non-pregnant part of my mind balks at the idea of working out, I am making myself do prenatal exercises regularly, so You: Having a Baby Workout (DVD): The Owner's Manual to a Happy and Healthy Pregnancy
by Joel Harper would be a good addition. 
If any generous and/or sympathetic readers feel the need to help a book-hungry, hormone-driven mom with any of these lovely titles, I have them listed on my Wish List.
Congratulations on your pregnancy!!!
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