It's Friday, which means the Book Blogger Hop at Crazy For Books. So welcome to all of my new visitors and followers, take a look around and enjoy your stay. Catch up on my latest reviews of the books Never Let You Go by Erin Healy and She Walks in Beauty by Siri Mitchell. Check out what I won from Penguin Canada and stay tuned for an upcoming post regarding a CSN Store giveaway!
Weekly Question: Who is your favorite new-to-you author so far this year?
My Response: I would have to say the auther of Hush, Hush
These are the blogs I have discovered through the Hop:
1. 21 Pages
2. Books From Bleh to Basically Amazing
3. Books by Their Story
4. The Norwegian Book Girl
5. Super Librarian

Thanks for hopping by my blog! You've got some great stuff going on with your site, and I'm excited to look into them!
Hi, just found you on the hop. Have become your newest follower. I'm really looking forward to reading Hush, Hush - been hearing such great reviews on it.
Enjoy your weekend,
Oooh I'm so happy you stumbled upon my blog! Hooray for the hop, and I'm loving your blog as well. :)
(I might be having a giveaway for Crescendo soon. Thought I'd let you know, since I'd love to pass it on to another blogger!).
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