Today is my first-born daughter's 3rd birthday, so I thought I'd hijack my own blog to brag about my beautiful Abigail Joy! She was born on the very special day of July 7, 2007 (yep, that's 7-7-07!) at 11:07 pm after a grueling 17 hours of labor. I'll never forget the overwhelming joy that coursed through me when the doctor told me she was a girl and handed her to me. As tears streamed out of my eyes, all I could say was "I have a daughter!" over and over again.
She was 6 lbs. 6 oz. and had the deepest blue eyes, like the color of midnight. Her eyes have become more of a hazel color now. Her hair seemed blonde then, but it has since darkened to a light brown. Her hair is halfway down her back now, as I have never cut it, and it has the thickness of her daddy's hair.
She loves flowers and butterflies and only wants to wear dresses. She loves to color, too, and her best friend is Alyssa. Her favorite foods are chicken, spaghetti, bananas, and yogurt, but she has become a picky eater quite recently. She loves Sesame Street and wants to know how anything and everything works (i.e. breaks, rips, and generally destroys). She sings and says prayers with Mommy or Daddy every night, and picks out new books from the library once a week with Mommy. She loves her baby sister, Shiloh, and is Mommy's Helper both with Shiloh and in the kitchen. She has her struggles, as any three-year-old, with talking and potty-training, but she makes friends whereever she goes and lives her life full of Joy!

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