For the Love of Books is my very own weekly Sunday meme dedicated to the wacky, weird, and wild world-wide-web finds related to the world of books. Topics can be anything ranging from unique bookcases, sculptures of books, and odd bookstores, to interesting uses for books, book quotes, bits of book news, etc. I love web-surfing and I have come across so many ideas that the possibities for this meme are nearly endless! If you would like to join in the fun, snag the image on the left and post the link your specific blog post in comments so that others can read about your internet find!
Don't feel like sitting up to read your books? Get the Supine Reading Glasses! These glasses use optical-quality glass prisms to bend your vision 90° to allow the reader to read while lying down.
Move over ereader, television was here first! Don't like bothering with your old-fashioned book and want something more modern? Get the Wireless Page to TV Magnifier! Fashioned after a computer mouse, this device "scans written materials and sends them wirelessly to your television set in real time, magnifying them up to 28X for easy viewing of fine print."
Hands too tired to flip those pesky pages, wish you had your own personal servant to hold the book for you? Get the Infinitely Adjustable Reading Valet! This hands-free bookstand "telescopes, tilts, yaws, and swivels 360ยบ to allow countless hands-free reading positions."
Frustrated with those clip-on booklights that just don't cooperate with your reading style? Get the Hands Free Over Ear Booklight! Fashioned after the Blue-Tooth device, "this book light rests gently on your ear instead of precariously on your book." The LED provides 100,000 hours of light without heating up and requires one AAA battery.
Personally, I like the booklight. Which of these do you wish for?

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