Take it away, Dawn!
My name is Dawn White; I am the bestselling Author of Wingless and Damned, a dark paranormal fantasy. I was honestly terrified before my release of Wingless. I literally absorbed myself into the writing of the second book to alleviate the stress of my release. It has helped and I can honestly say I am so much closer to having my second Wingless book in y’alls hands.Thank you for stopping by, Dawn, and congrats on your success!
I never expected my first book to have the reception it has had. I have enjoyed this ride so much so far. I don’t think I could have had a better publishing family behind me. Crushing Hearts and Black Butterfly publishing has been so amazing and supportive in every way. I received my first large blog review the other day and I was literally floored by the love the Blogger showed me.
Honestly I can say that I have felt so honored every time someone has added Wingless and Damned to their personal library.
I try and help any indie artist out as much as I can. I can be contacted on Facebook on my Author page : https://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/WinglessAndDamnedByAuthorDmWhite
If you would like to talk to me about anything or simply just become my friend I promise I don’t bite too hard. ;)

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