Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Read It 1st

I found a website that promotes a concept that many people in the reading community avidly pursue just as a matter of principle. This is the idea that one should read the book before seeing the movie that the book is based on. Personally, I find that this is not always achievable, since oftentimes I don't learn that a certain movie is based on a book until I read it on the screen. Luckily, the website publishes a newsletter to keep you up to date on which movies, past and present, are based on books. A surprising number of movies are based on books, and I often find great reading material thanks to the movies that are produced.

At Read It 1st, you can take one of two pledges and copy a button to post on your own website. The first pledge states that you will read the book before the movie, while the second pledge states that you will read the book whenever, but you still want to know what movies are based on books. I took the second pledge.

Will you pledge?


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