This week is National Library Week in the U.S. (April 10-16), and the American Library Association listed its 10 most frequently challenged books of 2010, which I will list here for the curious:
While I have only read two of these titles, I am familiar with most of them, and now I am especially interested in number 8, Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America. This book gives a realistic portrayal of trying to live off of low-income jobs in America - why try to ban that? The ALA also reported 348 challenges to books in 2010 and at least 53 outright bans. I suppose that censorship will always go hand-in-hand with freedom of speech.
On a more positive note, in honor of National Library Week, librarians in Holyoke, Mass., put on a freeze flash mob at the local mall in which about 75 people froze while reading for about 5 minutes. Check it out!
*I can only accept print books for review, no e-books please!*
I am 29 years old and wife and mother of three girls. Abigail is 4 years old, Shiloh is 2 year old, and Marly is 3 months. I do occasional volunteer work when I am not fulfilling my duties as a stay-at-home mom. I like to read, write, cross-stitch, cook, watch movies, and spend time with my husband, Edward. I am from Louisiana in the U.S.A. and I currently reside in Alberta, Canada.
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