"All you have to do is get followers over here (because who doesn't like more friends?). :) You following? That totally counts. You refer someone else? Extra point for you. But it is not “ye who gets the most followers wins” Oh no. You can win as much as you want. I love lists, so we'll break it down thusly:
If you get -
10 followers over here = A poem or short story of your choice written for you. Anything you want.
25 followers = 1 book of your choice
40 followers = 3 books of your choice
60 followers = 5 books of your choice
75 followers = 7 books of your choice
100 followers = I don't know yet, but it is going to have to be something very epic.
I don't care how you get them over here (facebook and twitter are great resources. They're your friends, so they'll forgive you for bugging them, and plus, then they are automatically put into the running too. Thus the love spreads), but if they put your name/email address (or any way of identifying you so their point goes to you and not someone else) in the spreadsheet below -or email it directly to me (heatherzundel AT gmail [dot] com)- you are on your way to winning some very sweet prizes, all of your choosing."
So go enter, and tell her I referred you! Contest ends on February 28th!

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