For the Love of Books is my very own weekly Sunday meme dedicated to the wacky, weird, and wild world-wide-web finds related to the world of books. Topics can be anything ranging from unique bookcases, sculptures of books, and odd bookstores, to interesting uses for books, book quotes, bits of book news, etc. I love web-surfing and I have come across so many ideas that the possibities for this meme are nearly endless! If you would like to join in the fun, snag the image on the left and post the link your specific blog post in comments so that others can read about your internet find!
If you are a fan of Penguin-published literature, then you will love this niftly box of postcards from Penguin
- each one featuring a different, iconic Penguin book jacket that span over 70 years of British design, all inspired by Allen Lane, the founder of Penguin Books. Allen Lane sought to make paperback books both affordable and attractive in design, and today his distinctive designs are synonymous with British culture. I would even go so far as to framing a few to appease my inner bibliophile's decorative style. 

ooo those are neat...I wonder if Mr E would let get away with framing some here.
I love them! This would be a great idea for framing in the library 'zone' of my bedroom! Thanks for sharing!
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