As the winter finally comes upon me here in the Great White North, I am feeling the pressure to wittle down the towering stack of to-be-reviewed books perched on my nightstand (sometimes I feel I could fill up several nightstands). If I can shorten it down to nothing before the end of the year, I can start with a clean slate (er, nightstand), so to speak. This does not even include the several titles that are snail-mailing their way to my remote address as I type. Though I have read that other bloggers have ARCs upwards of 50 titles or more at one time while still accepting books from publishers, I feel guilty accepting books when I have this many to plow through, yet the appeal of free books is more tempting to me than the candy row at the grocery store to a chocoholic.
Luckily, books is one addiction that I never have to fight to recover from, as my husband, best friend, the second-hand charity shop, and the library all happily feed into it with enthusiasm. Even my oldest daughter is picking up on this glorious pastime, as she struggles to carry armloads of children's books too big for her three-year-old body from her room into the living room for daddy and I to read to her.
As for reading goals, I have pretty much abandoned the idea of completing my overabundance of reading challenges. I think my eyes were too big for my stomach with those. I won't be attempting nearly as many next year, especially if I hope to tackle NanoWrimo in 2011. That's another post for another day, though.
So what do you think? Should I worry so much about how many books I accept for reviewing purposes, or is this a worthy goal that I could complete in only two months left to the year?

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